Daycare registration forms on or before the first day of care.
A medical report / MEDICAL FORM must be completed and signed by a physician and included with all registration forms.
Please download all the forms:
HOLDING SPOT DEPOSIT / SECURITY DEPOSIT of $1500.00 is required to hold your spot for the future.
To submit deposit online:
(no transfer fee!)
Monday – Friday
8am – 6pm

We changing our policy based on the information and regulations changes made by the New York City, we would like to remind parents that we have to follow the guidelines and regulations made my the Department of Health (DOH):
1. Management of Tic Tac Daycare no longer requires that masks be worn by our teachers.
2. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should remain isolated (quarantine) at home for a period of at least 5 days – kids will be able to return back to school with doctor note.
3. If parent or household member tests positive for COVID-19:
• Student must take PCR test immediately.
• If test negative however she/he has visible symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough etc. must stay home till symptoms free. (Return with doctor note).
4. Kids from age of 2 years old and teachers who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 (this means when they were within six feet of someone with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) should wear a mask for 10 days.
– if students or teachers start to show symptoms such as: AT LEAST ONE OF THESE:
– new onset cough,
– new shortness of breath,
– new difficulty breathing,
– new loss of taste or smell.
– fever (Oral or temporal temperature of > 100.4 Fahrenheit OR Axillary temperature of > 99.4 Fahrenheit),
– chills,
– rigors (shaking),
– muscle aches,
– headache,
– nausea or vomiting,
– diarrhea,
– fatigue,
– congestion or runny nose,
– sore throat.
• Take a rapid test (home test for children 2 years and up) before returning back to school.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 at any time, please email school staff members immediately:
Vaccination is the best way to reduce COVID-19 risk. The NYCDOE encourages up to date COVID-19 vaccination for everyone six months or older.
Visit the vaccine finder page or call 877-829-4692 to find a location near you.
Please stay tuned for more updates, as soon as we will get any notifications from the city we will update our policy.
Additionally please note:
1. We are promoting washing hands frequently and USING HAND SANITIZER.
2. Maintaining regular housekeeping practices, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, objects and toys.
– Strongly advise to our parents to wear a ?
– Parents must be healthy, if otherwise, must inform TIC TAC stuff – Should limit direct contact between parents and stuff members and adhere social distancing.
– Only ONE parent at a time – Practice respiratory etiquette and cover your cough or sneezes – Sidewalk pick up/drop off:
– Each child needs a hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes in his/her bag,
– Each child needs a separate bag for its bedding,
– Each child will be pre- screened by taking a temperature before admitted,
– Keep in mind pick up drop of might take longer now, so plan your arriving time accordingly,
– Outgoing communication between parent and TIC TAC stuff members, so we can all keep everybody safe and healthy.
– Only well children will attend- fallowing TIC TAC Sickness policy.
Our Program serves only Well children!
Children need to stay home and they will be send back home if:
– fever – 100.4 degrees and above – child can return back home if he/she is fever free without any medication for 24 hours NO DOCTOR NOTE REQUIRED
– If a child has a fever for more than 24 hours DOCTOR NOTE REQUIRED
– vomiting – more than once during a day
– diarrhea – more than 3 times a day
– unknown skin rash – DOCTOR NOTE REQUIRED
– evidence of head lice
– difficulty breathing
– conjunctivitis
– abnormal behavior, i.e. lethargy, irritability, persistent crying.
Child needs to be 24 hours symptoms free before returning back to school.
Our main concern is to keep everyone healthy, safe, and happy.
Please remember you know your child best , so use your own judgment and feel free to ask any additional questions.
Parents need to remember that Tic Tac Daycare reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms at any time by posting the amended Terms.
Please share your thoughts and comments with with us. We truly appreciate your business, and we’re grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us. THANK YOU.
Additionally: If the child is going to be sick for more than 72hours we will advise you to take the COVID-19 test.
We ask all our families to keep OPEN communication with us if you think you may be sick STAY HOME, if you were in touch with someone who was positive for COVID – 19 LET US KNOW.
We have to work together to STAY HEALTHY!
Infants and feeding Policy:
Bottle propping is absolutely prohibited in our day care and is not an acceptable practice. Also children who are not able to sit up are not placed in highchairs.
Parents must furnish:
diapers, wipes, ointments, extra clothes for change, pack & play sheet, baby formula, milk, food, etc.
Parents are encouraged NOT to allow their children to bring a toy to school!
Please label all your child’s belongings, which includes but is not limited to the children’s lunch bags, clothing, diaper bags, and anything that can easily be confused with the equivalent of another child!
In accordance with the NYC health code all children MUST be current with their immunizations and a copy of these forms must be kept in our files at all times. All records will kept confidential.
Weekly classes:
– Dance class,
– Sign Language class,
– Music class,
– Spanish class,
– French Class,
– Yoga class,
– Art and crafts class,
– Cooking class,
– Science class,
– History class,
– Language class,
– Dramatic Play,
– Communication Skills class.
Tic Tac offers:
– daycare program (age: 6 weeks old up to 3.5).
– preschool program (age: 2-4.5 years old).
Intellectual: Our program is designed to provide children with the right skills of life time learning. We will discover the world by using all five senses. We help our children discover different concepts of cause-and-effect through play. We use different variety of materials such as pictures, instruments, toys, etc..
Social (Making Friends): Communication is one of the most important steps in person’s life. We believe even the youngest kids should have a right to express themselves. We help kids communicate in verbal and non-verbal ways. Our program provides many interesting activities to help kids model their conversational skills , ex. telling stories, singing songs, using sign language, bilingual games and activities.
Health Body: We support our young students as they start moving: roll from side-to side, and learn to crawl, stand, and walk. We will spend a lot of time playing outside and inside. Our program offers many different activities (ex. yoga class, dance class, dramatic play) that will help a child grow not only intellectual but also physically.
Our preschool program will teach your child many important concepts and skills. The experience with our program will lay down an essential foundation for all future learning. Our students learn how to interact with others their age, how to use materials, and how to behave in a school setting. Every one of these elements contributes to school success in the years to come.
Tic Tac PRESCHOOL Curriculum:
Intellectual: Children learn by experiencing the world around them. Our toddler program help build brain power by supporting the develop of judgment, perception, memory and critical thinking.
Social: Kids will communicate with others verbally and nonverbally to engage the world around them. Our program offers literature, music, Spanish and sign language class, singing song or listing to the story is the best way for kids to open themselves up. Our kids will make new friends they will learn how to behave in many different situations. They will gain the confidence, self-esteem and negotiating skills which can help them have healthy relationship later in life.
Emotional: Our teachers will ensure you that your child will enjoy safe time “away from home” , where they can learn to express themselves and understand their own unique identities. Your child will gain comfort and confidence and value their individually. Our school is a place where everyone can feel safe, and have fun just being themselves.
Physical: We focus on the physical well-being of your child so he grows up safe and strong . Coordination, mobility and exercise all help ensure you that your growing child has healthy body for the life time. Our program oggers quality time of toddler yoga, dance class, indoor and outdoor activities.
Our Approach to Education:
As a teachers we believe we should give you the peace of mind that your child will have fun as they develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. In caring and stimulating atmosphere, our passionate teachers give your child endless opportunities to grow, learn and imagine. We believe curriculum is everything that happens in the classroom from interactions, to singing and playing. We provide a balance between choice and structure activities, between group and individual pursuits.
We never miss an opportunity to educate!
Our daily schedule includes a variety of activities in the following areas:
1. MOVEMENT, DANCE AND COORDINATION: running, hopping, jumping, catching,…etc
2. LITERACY: playing with the sounds of language in nursery rhymes, identifying letters names and sounds, writing letters,..etc
3. MATH: counting objects, identifying and writing numerals, recognizing shapes and colors, comparing objects or groups of objects, classifying, measuring, creating patterns, ..etc
4. SCIENCE: learning about plants, animas, life cycles, physical properties of the Earth: such as air, water, light, ..etc. Fun activities that will let children observe, experience, and enjoy the natural world!
5. ART AND CRAFTS: painting, drawing, modeling clay, looking at and talking about real works of art, ..etc. Art history while igniting discussion about shapes, colors, and different styles and media.
6. MUSIC: singing and playing musical games, listening to various types of music (for example: classical music), learning new songs or all different occasions, .etc
8. SIGN LANGUAGE: ABC, colors, numbers, daily communication, ..etc
9. FOREIGN LANGUAGES: German, Spanish.
10. STORY TIME: reading aloud together should be fun and educational at the same time! During or after story, asking questions is a good way to help our students understand. Story time with our students will open whole new worlds of learning and discovery.
12. HISTORY: a delightful introduction to American history, from the first Thanksgiving to Martin Luther King, Jr., with activities and stories teachers and students can enjoy together!
We care for our students SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT, such as:
1. Care for personal needs, such as using bathroom independently, dressing oneself, using appropriate table manners, etc.
2. Recognize and greet familiar people by name,
3. Use verbal forms of politeness: such as PLEASE, THANK YOU, etc.
4. Follows rules established for specific settings,
5. Follow the rules of simple games,
6. Play cooperatively with other children, taking tours and sharing toys as necessary.
Our Program serves only Well children!
Children need to stay home and they will be send back home if:
– fever – 100.4 degrees and above – child can return back home if he/she is fever free without any medication for 24 hours NO DOCTOR NOTE REQUIRED.
– IF a child has a fever for more than 24 hours ⚠️DOCTOR NOTE REQUIRED⚠️
– vomiting – more than once during a day.
– diarrhea – more than 3 times a day.
– unknown skin rash – DOCTOR NOTE REQUIRED.
– evidence of head lice.
– difficulty breathing.
– conjunctivitis.
– abnormal behavior, i.e. lethargy, irritability, persistent crying.
– ear infection.
⚠️Child needs to be 24 hours symptoms free before returning back to school⚠️
Our main concern is to keep everyone healthy , safe, and happy!
Please remember you know your child best , so use your own judgment and feel free to ask any additional questions.
Parents need to remember that Tic Tac Daycare reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms at any time by posting the amended Terms.
Please share your thoughts and comments with with us.
We truly appreciate your business, and we’re grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us.
First Aid Kit: Includes Disposable Gloves (vinyl), sterile gauze pads of various sizes, bandage tape, roller gauze, cold pack, thermometer, antiseptic. The kit is checked monthly and restocked as needed.
– Brooklyn Heights location at 109 Joralemon street: Blue and Yellow Room – we do provide stroller ‘s storage for all our customers, we do encourage our clients to bring small size of the stroller, easy to fold!
– Cobble Hill:
1. Orange Room at 251 Baltic street – stroller’s storage limited, only small strollers,
2. Pink Room at 279 Court street – stroller’s storage very limited, only for LIMITED numbers of clients, depends on client’s home address, also we accept ONLY “UMBRELLA” strollers, very small & lightweight size, limited numbers of strollers.
Daycare is ALWAYS closed on the following holidays:
– January 1st (New Years Day);
– July 4th;
– Memorial Day,
– President Day,
– Labor Day,
– Thanksgiving Day – Thursday;
– Day after Thanksgiving – Friday;
– December 24th (Christmas Eve);
– December 25th (Christmas Day);
– December 26th (2end Christmas Day);
Dates change every year according the calendar. PLEASE REVIEW UPDATED HOLIDAYS SCHEDULE EACH YEAR!
TIC TAC HOLIDAYS 2020 / Daycare will be closed on the following dates:
2/21 – President Day
4/15 – Easter Friday
4/18 – Easter Monday
5/30 – Memorial Day
7/4 – 4th of July
9/5 – Labor Day
10/10 – Columbus Day
11/23-11/25 – Thanksgiving break
12/26/2022 – 1/2/2023 – Holiday Break
TIC TAC HOLIDAYS / DAYS OFF 2023 / Daycare will be closed on the following dates: ❗️❗️
1. President Day – Monday 2/20
2. EASTER / Good Friday – Friday 4/7
3. Memorial Day – Monday 5/29
4. Independence Day – Monday and Tuesday 7/3 & 7/4
5. Summer Break – From July 24th – August 4th 2023
6. Labor Day – Monday 9/4
7. Thanksgiving Break – Thursday and Friday 11/23 & 11/24
8. Holiday Break – From December 25th – December 29th 2023.
No make-up days or hours are allowed. If space is available, extra child care services may be arranged for with an additional fee.
Changes in weekly schedule only on MONTHLY basis. You MUST follow your weekly schedule hours.
Payment of child care services will start at the time contracted for and cannot be adjusted for late arrival or early pickup.
MON – FRI, 8-6pm
Min 8 hours daily schedule.
Min 40 hours weekly schedule.
Max 50 hours weekly schedule.
Latest drop off in the AM: 9am – to start regular daily schedule.
If any daily schedule changes (for example: doctor’s appointment, etc..) latest drop off / pick up in the middle of daily session will be 11:45AM.
MONTHLY PAYMENT: CASH, CHECK, ON-line payment, Credit Cards.
Tic Tac Late Fees Policy:
Late pick ups will not be tolerated!
You are expected to pick up your child at the scheduled time. If you arrive to pick up your child 5 min past the scheduled pick up time, a late fee of $10.00 will be assessed and is payable next day during drop off in the morning. If you past 15 min of your regular schedule additional $50 will be added to the previous late fee of $10.00. That makes total of $60.00 late fee charges.
Late fees schedule can be changed and increased at any time by Tic Tac Management.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Please follow up and respect your schedule time set up with Tic Tac Daycare.
A $50.00 fee will be assessed for bounced checks. Three bounced checks will result in your account being placed on CASH ONLY basis. ALL CHECKS ARE PAYABLE TO DOROTA MAJCHRZAK, TIC TAC DAYCARE or LAUGH AND PLAY DAYCARE.
Your each monthly payment has to be received during morning drop off time on your due date scheduled day – Morning drop off time is the LATEST TIME to make your payment (by 10am – the latest!)
We won’t tolerate any lateness in your monthly payment.
A $100.00 fee will be assessed for late checks / payments.
Late fees schedule can be changed and increased at any time by Tic Tac Management.
We advise you to make your payment on or before scheduled time to avoid child care service interruptions!
If for any reason your child will not be attending daycare on your due day you are still responsible to pay on this scheduled day.
Thank you for your cooperation!
We believe it is important that we have on-going communications with our families and request feedback so that we can continue to strive to provide the best service. As our parents and staff continue to work together our children will succeed – and this is our goal!
We don’t provide any babysitting services! Parents agree that neither tic Tac daycare services, nor its employees will provide babysitting services for any of the clients outside of the daycare services of Tic Tac daycare. Each parent understands that our company is not responsible for any occurrences that transpire if this policy is violated, and Tic Tac daycare has the option of ending all contracts without refund!
Each parent understands that being rude and disrespectful to TICTAC staff and management gives us the option of ending all agreements and service termination.
Here is our typical daycare schedule:
1. First nap for infants starts bet 8-9am (they sleep in pack and play cribs), toddlers have classes, free time to play, outside fun etc..
2. Around 10/10.30 wake up, diaper change, first feeding for infants, lunch for toddlers, than play time (classes, tummy time, outdoor play..etc), second feeding for infants (if needed), diaper change, than getting ready for second nap for infants and first nap for toddlers – 12, noon time (story time, singing…etc),
3. Second nap starts around noon time – 12/12.30
4. Around 1.30/2.30pm wake up, diaper change, third feeding for Infants, snacks and milk time for toddlers, play time (daycare activities, story time, tummy time..etc), fourth feeding for infants (if needed – basically if they eat less than 4oz per feeding we offer extra feeding to make sure they won’t be hungry), diaper change, getting ready for third nap / resting time,
Last feeding in a daycare – before 4pm.
5. Third nap starts at 4pm
6. Around 5-5.30pm wake up, diaper change and getting ready for goodbye time;)
Please provide the information regards feeding schedule:
– Number of OZ per feeding (infants & toddlers),
– Time (how long it takes / only infants!)
– How often offer bottle feeding at home (only infants!)
– Food: any allergies? (Infants & toddlers),
Also how is your nap time routine working at home?
Please email all the details regards your daily routine / schedule at home.
Here is the list what to bring on your first day:
– diapers, wipes – one sleeve of diapers, big pack of wipes,
– extra clothes for change, 2x tops, 2x pants / always send dirty clothes home and ask parent to bring clean clothes next day!
– bibs – MINIMUM 2x per day (infants, toddlers – optional),
– infants: waterproof sheet protector and crib sheet 2x! – we send dirty sheet home every Friday and change for clean one so Monday you need to bring extra clean one for change,
– toddlers: crib sheet 2x, blanket, pillow (optional!),
– sleep-sack for infants (optional),
– food & milk:
For INFANTS: if breastmilk / always extra than regular number per day.. Can of formula if mix (powder or liquid ), also any leftovers of breastmilk we send home every day;
Infants 6 months and up – solid food.
If choking hazard we do reserve our rights to discuss the menu for infants with the parents and change accordingly.
Please bring 2/3 bottles – breastmilk OR empty to mix formula.
FOR INFANTS WE MUST HAVE BACK UP MILK – can of formula or frozen/fresh extra breast milk, also if infants have more than two feeding between first and third nap please bring more bottles for a day.
If frozen breastmilk – not older than one month!
For TODDLERS: lunch & snacks, 1 or 2 cups with regular milk, plus water cup)
– diaper rash cream,
– summer time ONLY: towel, water diapers, swimsuit, sunscreen, bug spray,
PLEASE LABEL ALL YOUR BELONGINGS WITH YOUR CHILD’s FIRST AND SECOND NAME: for example: bottles, cups, bibs, clothes, food containers, diapers, wipes, etc..)
Daycare forms:
Please confirm your regular weekly schedule with TICTAC daycare a month before your schedule will start!
– anything special for nap time? If yes please bring it with you.
As you will be sending food to TICTAC daycare here is the information regards food packing and serving.
1) Each child will be required to bring his/her own small LUNCHBOX:
– Ice pack required if you like to keep the food cold
– No glass containers / bottles / cups ! THANK YOU!
– One big or two medium containers per child only, easy to open and close!
– All lunch bags, including everything in the lunchbox MUST BE LABELED with your child’s first and last name !
(containers – sticker on the top and the bottom of the container, stickers on each cup)
– Plastic spoon and fork; labeled also!,
– Please send NUT – FREE lunches and snacks only!
– We don’t offer breakfast so please feed your child a healthy breakfast before bringing to school!
– Lunch ideas for children 12 months and up:
Sandwiches, bagels ,wraps,
2) Lunchbox will remain in your child cubby.
Than at lunch time we will feed infants and help them with finger food, our toddlers will start learning how to unpack his/her lunch independently and clean up afterwards , putting all items/containers /cups back in the bag.
Also we will work on independence skills during meal time and introduce them to table manners, using spoon and fork.
Please don’t hesitate to share your feedback with us if ever a problem should arise.
We hope to have the pleasure of working with you and thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.